Mgr. Ladislav Vrubel

Attorney office Brno

Law office with a general practice focused on debt collection

We are a law office seated in Brno that provides legal services not only in the South Moravian Region, but throughout the whole Czech Republic.

Our law office provides legal services and consultancy in a wide range of legal branches, especially in family law, commercial law, labour law, administrative law, insolvency law and criminal law.

Our office is specialized on client’s specific needs and our lawyers are determined to find the best solution for our clients. We are not afraid of challenges, nor thinking out of the box when it comes to finding the best solution. Our office always tries to meet the specific needs of individual clients, and therefore we set up cooperation primarily with regard to your interests.

Shall you need our services you can contact us via contact form below every work day from 8:00 to 16:30

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