Privacy policy

Attorney office of Mgr. Ladislav Vrubel processes personal data both manually and by automated means. The processing of personal data by automated means takes place in particular for the purposes of performance of a contract and offering services. Attorney office may collect, store and use certain information by automated means, such as statistical information whenever you visit the website.

The very basic information about our attorney office:

Mgr. Ladislav Vrubel, advokát
reg. no: 07870507
residence: Staňkova 103/18, 602 00 Brno

What personal data does the attorney office process?

By personal data are counted all information that identify certain person or make certain person identifiable. Between such data we can include name or surname, contact address, e-mail or phone number, bank account number and other transaction-related data, personal identification no., tax identification number, date of birth and birth identification number, information about education, job experience and other relevant work-related information to a reasonable extent, IP adress and any other relevant information regarding the client.

Legal basis for processing information

We process your personal data in order to fulfill obligation from agreement on the provision of legal services (a written form is not required).

Purpose of processing

The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation we have such as keeping records or providing information to a public body or law enforcement agency, for the purposes of a legitimate interest pursued by us or a third party (and are not outweighed by your privacy interests). You have consented to us processing your information for a specific reason, consent that you can always withdraw.

Personal data are processed only in order to fulfill the agreement between a client and the attorney.

Recipients of personal data

Attorneys and trainees will disclose your personal data only to their authorised employees and associated attorneys, tax advisors or to individual data processors engaged by our lawyers under relevant contracts, or to other controllers as applicable, but in any case within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of the processing and on the basis of the relevant legal title for the processing of the personal data.

In some case defined by legislation, the attorney is authorised, or even obligated, to transfer certain personal data under applicable laws to criminal prosecution authorities or other public authorities.

Period of retention of personal data

The attorney will process and retain your personal data for a period of time necessary to safeguard all the rights and obligations resulting from the relevant contract, and thereafter for a period for which the attorney, as data controller is required to retain personal data under applicable laws, or for which you have granted to the attorney your consent with such processing. In other cases, the period of processing is based on, and must be proportionate to, the purpose of the processing, or is stipulated by applicable data protection laws.

Data subject rights

As a data subject, you have certain rights in connection with the processing of personal data, which result from applicable laws and which you may exercise at any time.

Right to access to personal data: If you wish to know whether the attorney processes personal data, you have the right to obtain information as to whether or not your personal data are being processed and you also have the right to obtain access to your personal data.

Right to rectification: If you think that the attorney is processing personal data about you which are inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to request their rectification and/or completion.

Right to erasure: On your request we will erase your personal data, if the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected, or if the personal data have been unlawfully processed, or if you object to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing of your personal data, or if the legal obligation in EU or national law to process personal data no longer applies.

Right to restriction of processing: If you request restriction of processing, the Attorney will make your personal data unavailable, or will temporarily remove or store them, or will perform any other processing activities as may be necessary for the proper exercise of that right;

Right to data portability: On your request the attorney can transfer to a third party the personal data they are processing about you electronically on the basis of a contract or your consent, you may exercise your right to data portability.

Right to object: You have the right to object to processing of personal data if you assume that our interest in processing personal data is no longer stronger than your right to privacy protection. In such case we reconsider range of data processing and whether the processing is still necessary.

Right to appeal to the Office for personal data protection: If you reasonable believe that we break your rights, you are entitled to appeal to the Office for personal data protection.